Interview Questions


What is the correct JavaScript syntax to write “Hello World”?

A) System.out.println( B) println (
C) document.write( D) response.write(
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) document.write(


document.write() is a JavaScript command that literally writes out whatever you place between the opening and closing parentheses.



What_is_the_correct_JavaScript_syntax_to_write_“Hello_World”1556279922.jpg image 

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Filed Under: Web Technology - Technology

15 27922

What is IMS (DB/DC)?


IMS (Information Management System) is IBMs hierarchical database management system. It has mainly two components: IMS DB and IMS DC (Also know as IMS TM)

IMS DB - IMS/Database Manager as the name implies manages the IMS databases. It is used for physical storage creation and management and data retrieval.

IMS DC / IMS TM - IMS/Data Communications or IMS/Transaction Manager handles online transaction processing system.

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8 27311

What is DHTML? What are the features of DHTML?


DHTML stands for Dynamic HTML. The first thing that we need to clear about DHTML is that it is neither a language like HTML, JavaScript etc. nor a web standard. It is just a combination of HTML, JavaScript and CSS. It just uses these languages features to build dynamic web pages. DHTML is a feature of Netscape Communicator 4.0, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and 5.0 and is entirely a "client-side" technology.  

Features of DHTML:

- Simplest feature is making the page dynamic.

- Can be used to create animations, games, applications, provide new ways of navigating through web sites.

- DHTML use low-bandwidth effect which enhance web page functionality.

- Dynamic building of web pages is simple as no plug-in is required.

- Facilitates the usage of events, methods and properties and code reuse. 

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34 26309

try { int x = Integer.parseInt("two"); }

Which could be used to create an appropriate catch block?

A) ClassCastException B) IllegalStateException
C) NumberFormatException D) None
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) NumberFormatException


C is correct. 'Integer.parseInt' can throw a NumberFormatException, and IllegalArgumentException is its superclass 

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Filed Under: Java - Technology

3 25813

How much time needs to pass for an A/R account to be considered delinquent?


After 90 days of the due date

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17 25159

Which of the following is a properly defined structure?

A) struct {int a;} B) struct a_struct {int a;}
C) struct a_struct int a; D) struct a_struct {int a;};
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) struct a_struct {int a;};


The a_struct is declared as structure name and its data element is a.

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Filed Under: C++ - Technology

11 23093

What is RDBMS? Explain its features.


RDBMS is a database management system based on relational model defined by E.F.Codd. Data is stored in the form of rows and columns. The relations among tables are also stored in the form of the table.

- Provides data to be stored in tables
- Persists data in the form of rows and columns
- Provides facility primary key, to uniquely identify the rows
- Creates indexes for quicker data retrieval
- Provides a virtual table creation in which sensitive data can be stored and simplified query can be applied.(views)
- Sharing a common column in two or more tables(primary key and foreign key)
- Provides multi user accessibility that can be controlled by individual users

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Subject: Oracle - Technology

44 22733

Which of the following is not considered a JavaScript operator?

A) new B) this
C) delete D) typeof
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) this

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Filed Under: Web Technology - Technology

5 22497