SQL has IsDate() function which is used to check passed value is date or not of specified format ,it returns 1(true) or 0(false) accordingly.
It will return 0 because passed date is not in correct format.
The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called
The process of arranging any items in a systematic manner in a logical sequence is called as Sorting. It can be of two types :
1. Ordering
Arranging items following some criterion like ascending or descending order
2. Categorizing
Grouping items with similar properties together.
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Which SQL keyword is used to sort the result-set?
SQL keyword ORDER BY is used to sort the result-set.
Embedded SQL is which of the following?
The SQL SELECT statement is capable of
A subquery in an SQL SELECT statement is enclosed in
A subquery in an SQL SELECT statement is enclosed in parenthesis (...).
SQL views can be used to hide?
In SQL, a SQL view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement. A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table.
SQL views can be used to hide rows and columns and complicated SQL syntax.
The fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database.
Which of the following is not a relational database?
Oracle SQL developer is an
Oracle SQL developer is an Oracle Database IDE.
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