Retail Questions


How do you go about familiarizing yourself with the products you sell?


Retail products often change seasonally.  Can you quickly update yourself on all the new information so you can be prepared to sell the new inventory to customers as soon as it lands on the shelf


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Subject: Retail

5 5680

Describe a time where customer wasn’t happy and what did you do to change it?


There’s no doubt that working in retail you will encounter an unhappy, disgruntled, or difficult customer.  Learning to hold in your personal feelings, addressing empathy for customers, and representing the company well in order to keep customers coming back are all important skills recruiters will look for when assessing how you deal with uncomfortable situations.


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Subject: Retail

1 3054

As a supervisor for a wholesale market, what actions would you take to increase the profit?


Applicant should answer that as a wholesaler; he/she would interview the suppliers of wholesale market and negotiate the prices, discounts, transportation arrangements, and credit terms. Oversee the distribution of merchandize to different outlets and maintain adequate stock levels. Establish a good rapport with suppliers and supervise the retail outlet markets to get a better knowledge of supply chain management.

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Subject: Retail

0 1813

As a Supervisor, how would you plan your financials for your budget?


Applicant should answer that as a supervisor he/she would analyze actual spend vs. forecast and plan future sales and retail storage. Provide sales adjustments/discounts reporting and analysis, which could be helpful in further analysis of the business. As a supervisor I would ensure, that I keep a track of all the finances and expenses incurred during the process of transportation, salaries and wages of drivers and other helpers in loading and unloading the goods and services. Maintain a ledger for the cost involved in storage and maintenance of goods and services.

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Subject: Retail

0 1239

As a wholesaler what are the problems you would face in ensuring the commitment to your retail suppliers?


As a wholesaler, applicant should say that he/she would face production problem, growing consumption, not concentrating on important market segment, scale of operations not being proper, delivery to different stores and having some issues with suppliers and not a good relationship with suppliers. I would face these problems in reaching the target commitment to suppliers as a wholesaler.

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Subject: Retail

0 1478

Are you comfortable offering our charge account to customers?


A candidate should not be shy here. Someone who tells you that they are uncomfortable when being solicited for proprietary charges by other retailers will not be successful in your organization. If that is something that you as a candidate struggle with, make sure that you portray your desire to succeed. Tell the employer that it is something that you are gaining skills on, and would love the opportunity to perfect your script.

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Subject: Retail

0 1464

How would you go about greeting each customer who comes in the store?


If you want bonus points, make sure you address each side of this tricky two-part question. 

The first part is addressing how you make sure you greet each and every customer who enters the store, giving them personal attention.  

The second part is how you would actually greet them – what would you say to them? Would you alert them of your newest products, ask if they’re looking for anything in particular or need guidance while shopping, or alert them to who they can reach out to if they require any assistance in various departments?

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Subject: Retail

0 2066

What previous experience do you have in retail?


They want to check that you are familiar with the demands that come with retail jobs. This is your chance to show off your experience. If you have worked with lots of companies, focus on those that are most similar to the company that you are applying.

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Subject: Retail

0 1562