Competency Interview Questions

What is Competency?

Competency in simple terms can be described as an individual's ability to show their knowledge, skills and attributes at work. Examples of Key Competencies that the interviewer asks are: Teamwork, Responsibility, Decision making, Communication, Leadership, Commitment to career, Commercial awareness and Career motivation.


Interviewers ask questions describing a situation or task, questions can be from past experiences like 'give an example of when you have led a team?' , 'give an example of when you have overcome a problem at work?' , 'Tell me about a time when you failed to complete a task or project on time?'. Recruitment professionals believe that the best way to find out about a candidate's potential for future performance is to find out about examples of past performance. The best way to prepare for such competency questions is to refer a number of sample questions and answers or examples which help you understand the type of questions asked, understand the motive behind the question and prepare the best way you can answer for similar questions.


We have a large collection of sample questions on 'Competency interview' that are frequently asked in many interviews for your practice.


What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them?


As a manager, the tough decisions I make involve layoffs. Before making those hard decisions, I always think particularly about what is best for my employees and the business. While I do not relish making those kinds of decisions, I do not shy away from this part of my job. Two years ago, I had to let some employees go due to the monetary climate. This was a tough decision that was ultimately necessary for the good of the organization and everyone working for the company.

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1 1094

What are three positive characteristics you wish you had ?


To answer this question, focus on honesty and positivity in order to show that you have both self-confidence and humility. Show the interviewer that you understand that there are different types of people and personalities and that all are valuable in their own way. Choose traits that are unreachable, such as perfection, and then emphasize your well-rounded personality and ability to learn from mistakes.

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1 982

I have difficulty deciding what exercises to do and the proper sequence of exercises to achieve maximum results. What help can you offer me?


I assume that by exercises you mean stretches. If not, if you mean other exercises, then Science of Sports Training will answer your question. Concerning stretches?do dynamic stretches similar to the movements in your sport. Do those isometric stretches that resemble positions at which your range of motion is less than required in your sport. For example, stretches 1 and 3 on pages 68 and 69 in Stretching Scientifically would help for baseball pitchers. Gymnasts or kickboxers may pick any stretch from pages 70?72, plus any stretch from page 74 and any hamstring stretch from page 75. Stretches you do for the front of the thigh and for the hamstring you can later replace with front splits (page 76 in Stretching Scientifically) as your flexibility improves. You can do relaxed stretches similar to your isometric stretches or whichever ones stretch your tensed muscles.

The proper sequence of stretches in a workout is: dynamic, static active, isometric, relaxed. You do not have to do all these types of stretches in a workout. You can skip the ones that you do not need but do not alter the order.

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0 939

You face a challenging situation involving three people; your manager, a peer and a client. All are in an emergency and only person who can provide solution is you. How will you manage to satisfy them all?


Firstly I will understand the exact problem they are going through and depending on the intensity of the problem I will suggest them. But at any given time, a client’s problem is of utmost importance and having a happy client would be important for the organization. Even my manager and an associate will understand it.

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6 901

Why do you want to work in the service line to which you have applied ?


The interviewer is looking for similar things whether asking about company or position. The interviewer wants to :

- Learn about your career goals and how this position fits into your plan.

- Make sure that you are sincerely interested in the job and will be motivated to perform if hired.

- Find out what you know about the company, industry, position.

- Understand your priorities and preferences.

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2 899

What is your ideal working environment ?


The interviewer is attempting to assess how closely your ideal fits with the reality of their organisation. A positive work environment makes employees feel good about coming to work, and this provides the motivation to sustain them throughout the day. When you can find the ideal working environment that best suits your work ethics and personality, you will become more productive and lead a fulfilling life.

- Before answering, take into account how their company is structured in terms of work days, formality, small start-up verses large corporation, etc.
- Focus on wanting an environment that allows for the use and growth of your established skills and qualities.
- Highlight your desire to work in a team-oriented workplace.
- Talk about your work-style and that it blends in well with the company’s vision.

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Subject: Adaptability - Competency Interview Exam Prep: GRE , GATE , CAT , Bank Exams
Job Role: Bank PO , Bank Clerk

6 876

Is it truly possible to produce a permanent, instantly accessible flexibility that requires no warm-up or any other preparation?


Yes. Otherwise what is the point of practicing combat techniques such as high kicks if they require a warm-up? I personally know many athletes, some of them active soldiers, who can display much greater flexibility without a warm-up than what I show in this book. Of course, I can do everything that you see in this book also without a warm-up. If your coach or instructor cannot teach you how to have such flexibility then it tells you something about his or her knowledge of human physiology and the methodology of sports training.

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0 835

Give some Examples of Teamwork


Here are some example statements to consider as you prepare your answer.

1.I used to be a  part of a team responsible for evaluating and choosing a new vendor for our office materials and supplies. The inter-departmental team reviewed options, a comparison of service and pricing, select a vendor, and carried out  the transition to the new vendor.

2.Our team always finished our projects before of schedule with very good reviews from our clients.

3.I preserved to grow as a group member while on my sorority's debate group and through my advanced marketing class where we had several of  team assignments.

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0 816