Common Interview Questions

What is a Common Interview?

Common interview questions, irrespective of the technical / non- technical subject generally asked in interviews. The common questions would be about yourself , academics related questions, career goals and paths, challenges at work, strengths and weakness, work history, about personal life, about your work experience, biggest accomplishments, salary requirements, about company, and more.


Apart from verifying technical skills, interviewers also verify a candidate's behavioral skills, attitude, strengths, weaknesses, goals and accomplishments, motivational skills, ability to handle work stress and pressure and more. By practicing several sample questions and answers you will understand what kind of questions are asked in interviews, the answers would help you understand what is the motive of interviewer behind the question and when your turn comes answer with more confidence.


We have a large collection of sample questions on 'Common Interview' that are frequently asked in many interviews for your practice.


What areas would you like to further develop professionally?


Why they ask this and what they are looking for:


This question "What areas would you like to further develop professionally?" will uncover whether you are interested and knowledgeable about your own development and as such will can be a cloaked attempt to discover your weaknesses.

A common target of the question is to discover how motivated you are to extend yourself. If you are motivated to learn, then you are probably more motivated to do the job well.


How to answer this:

First show that you are concerned and active about your own development. You can indicate how development has worked for your in the past.

You're right, continued learning and development is important and I continue to work to improve key skills.

Do answer the question, of course, but do not show gaping holes in your skill set and especially those in key areas required in the job. A good trick is to talk about developing your skills in new areas that will be of future benefit to the company.


For example : I am in programming now and love the work, but one day I would like to develop into a management role.


Hope this helps you..!

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1 1997

What do you mean by motivation?


Motivation means to arouse your hidden qualities and use them against something to overcome. As only motivation makes you successful in life, Without motivation one is like without any goal in life. Motivation is the only factor that could even make an adrift person to become successful.

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9 1989

What are you looking for in your next job? What is important to you?


One of the interview questions you may be asked is what you are looking for in your next job. The interview wants to know whether your goals are a match for the companies needs.

You can begin your answer with this question: Tell me, Mr./Ms. Interviewer, what is a typical career path at OPL for someone with my skills and experience?

(Based on the answer you can then respond to the original question using the phrases from the answer to frame your response).

What is important to you? Two things are very important to me. One is my professionalism at work; the second is my family life.

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0 1970

Tell Me About Yourself ?


Tips for answering this question:

No matter what kind of job you’re after, you will be asked to talk about yourself in the interview. This allows the company to evaluate whether your professional and personal qualifications are suited to the job.

This is your opportunity to make a positive impression. It’s important that you spend the time talking about your qualifications and present yourself in a positive light.

Aviod repetition and practise

This should only take a few minutes, so you must be prepared to talk about yourself and your background without trying to say too much. It’s a very good idea to write down a few keywords and follow the points you’ve thought about in advance. This will help you to avoid repetition and include all of the important details.

Always remember to practise what you want to say. You may want to ask someone you know – your spouse, partner or a friend – if they’ll listen to what you intend to say. This will let you practise your presentation and assess how it sounds.

Use the template below for your preparation:

- A little bit about your personal life

     Where you live, About your family etc.

- Work experience

     Your education and training

     Which companies have you worked for?

- Your qualifications for this job

     Professional qualifications for the job

     Personal qualities in relation to job

Leave out stories about your former boss treating you badly ,Or that because of the heavy workload and poor working environment you were off sick for a prolonged period.

All of this may well be true and be a part of your background, but keep your eyes on the goal.Talk about the positives in terms of work experience, professional skills and human qualities.

After your presentation, the company will usually ask you some questions.

Questions to expect from a head of department :

What do you know about our company?

Why do you want to work for us?

Why should we take you on?

What aspects of a job are most important to you?

Where do you see yourself in five years?

What are your pay expectations?

How flexible are you?

Questions to expect from a HR officer :

Who are you?

What are your strengths/ weaknesses?

Would you mind taking a test?

What do you understand by a good working relationship?

What do you think of your current boss?

What would your former colleagues say about you?

How is your financial situation?

How many sick days have you had in the last year?

Are you willing to take further training?

What do you do in your spare time?

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3 1953

What are your weaknesses?


What are your weaknesses?

This is a very common interview question for many jobs across industries. Most people feel Answering strengths is easy but weaknesses is difficult. If approached the right way this question will give you chance to build trust. You have 3 options/approaches to answer this question. 

1. Deny having any weaknesses. This approach is least common and surely not the way to go.

2. Spin a Weakness into a strength. Like, "I'm a perfectionist" or "I care too much"

Note - This is very common approach and some interviewers think you are not being honest. 

3. Give an honest answer (Recommended). Answer the question honestly without shooting yourself in the foot. 

E.g. My weakness is public speaking, I am working on it. Ofcourse make sure this is not the primary requirement of the job. 

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3 1950

Do you work well under pressure?


In most cases, the best answer to this question is answering yes. Working well under pressure is a good trait to have. However, I think if you answer that you work the same with pressure and without pressure, the interviewer will be more impressed. However, you will need to explain in words why this is better. Here are some of my answers.

1. "I work well under pressure because I use the pressure to help me work more efficiently."

2. "I enjoy working under pressure because I believe it helps me grow. In my previous experience, I always worked well during deadlines, and I always learned how to work more efficiently afterwards."

3. "I work well under pressure because I don't panic. I maintain self control and work as efficiently as possible. In all my experiences, I did well and I always enjoyed the experience."

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0 1812

What is the biggest achievement in your life?



"I have several awesome  achievements in my career. Probably the most awesome achievements were the delivery of the most recent version replace update to one of our core products for customer bills. This was a 1-year project and I was one of 9 team members. What made it more for me was that my role expanded from being one of the tech team individuals to taking the lead on building the mobile makings of the product. In order to deliver this aspect of the product, I pulled in 3 new project resources with new specific skills in each of the mobile technology floors we targeted and cross-trained all project resources to support each floor. In the last, our team delivered the product on time and have received numerous accolades, both external and internal. The mobile component was particularly  identified to be world class and distributed the product at its release. Our CEO spent time showing the mobile components to the industry and press and it has since met with superb  reviews. Would you like to see the Android version of the product?"

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2 1750

What are your strengths?


What are your strengths?

Purpose - The question is asked by the interviewer to understand your key selling point and get to know if it is relevant and helpful to handle the responsibilities that the person will handle if hired.

Note - All Most all Interviewers/Hiring people in management who assign tasks and responsibilities feel that a person is productive in work if his strength matches to the responsibilities of the role. So expect this question in most interviews. Also, be aware Strengths give clues on your interest.

Approach - Pick 2 or 3 strengths and give examples for each 1 to demonstrate how you used it in the previous job or in life. You can identify Some of your strengths from below list.
Continuous learning
Problem solving
Self learning
Team Player
Hard working
Like Challenges
Quick Learner
Self Motivated
Communication, Oral and Written
Process Oriented

Pre-work -Understand the job requirement in detail and get to know in advance what are the responsibilities the role you are applying and accordingly pick your strength that is relevant to the role. It would be advantageous to know the problems are issues the company is facing and what was the reason for the opening. You should be prepared for this question. It is one of the most commonly asked interview question.

E.g.: Communication and presentation - Communication and presentation is my strength.
In my previous job, I was given additional responsibilities to present and facilitate project status meetings with executive management and team building activities across departments.

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4 1690