Common Interview Questions

What is a Common Interview?

Common interview questions, irrespective of the technical / non- technical subject generally asked in interviews. The common questions would be about yourself , academics related questions, career goals and paths, challenges at work, strengths and weakness, work history, about personal life, about your work experience, biggest accomplishments, salary requirements, about company, and more.


Apart from verifying technical skills, interviewers also verify a candidate's behavioral skills, attitude, strengths, weaknesses, goals and accomplishments, motivational skills, ability to handle work stress and pressure and more. By practicing several sample questions and answers you will understand what kind of questions are asked in interviews, the answers would help you understand what is the motive of interviewer behind the question and when your turn comes answer with more confidence.


We have a large collection of sample questions on 'Common Interview' that are frequently asked in many interviews for your practice.


What can you do for us that others can't?


This will take an assessment of your experiences, skills and traits. Summarize concisely: "I have a unique combination of strong technical skills, and the ability to build strong customer relationships. This allows me to use my knowledge and break down information to be more user-friendly."

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6 1660

Describe your ideal job?


Describe your ideal job?

You should use this question to relate to the post you applied and give them the feel that this is close to your ideal job. So align your wonderful ideal job reasons to the responsibilities of the job posting. 

This is a question that you can use to add some humor or do a icebreaker like just joking that your ideal job is to work in a space station or would like to work in Hollywood but after a quick laugh give a realistic answer like my ideal job is where i get more responsibilities, enhance my skills and grow, and of-course you can add saying you would like to be part of a team where work is fun. If you want to go further, You might add at the end you heard good things about the work environment in the interviewing company.

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Subject: Common Interview

1 1623

Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?


The Best way to answer this question:

Be honest but stay positive.  Of course, your answer should be based on the real reason you left, but put a positive spin on it. That means, you should try to frame your honest answer in the most positive way possible.Do not lie, be truthful and honest but do not be harsh on a previous employer. So answer truthfully while at the same time NOT talking about the company or staff in a negative light. More info on why you left a job would help to give applicable suggestions. You TELL them why you left! .  Make it sound as positive as possible though. Put the reason you are no longer at your last job in your question. Unless you were laid off or the company had relocated you too far, just say "it's a career move." It's better not to go into the specifics. Always keep in mind that your  interviewer is looking for a positive, motivated, hard-working candidate. No potential employer wants to hear your gripe about a prior boss or talk poorly about a previous employer. She or he wants to hear about your potential as a superstar at the position you are seeking.

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1 1597

What Are Your Goals?


Sometimes it's best to talk about short-term and intermediate goals rather than locking yourself into the distant future. For example, "My immediate goal is to get a job in a growth-oriented company. My long-term goal will depend on where the company goes. I hope to eventually grow into a position of responsibility."

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3 1541

Where do you expect to be working in five years?


Why are they asking?

The interviewer wants to find out the following:

  -How committed are you to the career and the company
  -How much do you understand about the career path ahead of you
  -How passionate are you

Research the job and the organization structure and relate your career plan and progression with the job posting and progression of the company.

I would like to work hard and grow with the company to a respectable position with additional challenges and responsibilities and contributing to success of the company.

Please don't give these answers...
"Doing your Job"
"Working somewhere else"
"No idea"
"I haven’t thought that far ahead"
"Have a family"

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2 1520

Why Do You Want to Work Here?


The interviewer is listening for an answer that indicates you've given this some thought and are not sending out resumes just because there is an opening. For example, "I've selected key companies whose mission statements are in line with my values, where I know I could be excited about what the company does, and this company is very high on my list of desirable choices."

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5 1437

What do you like to do when you're not at work?


Be sure to emphasize those activities that may complement your on-the-job duties. For Example, if you're applying for a  position as a book-store manager, mentioning that you read three books per a week is highly appropriate. 

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0 1411

What does success mean to you?


There are many things you can say. This type of question doesn't have a wrong answer. All answers will be correct. So the best answer is how good you can make the answer. A mediocre answer will be something like completing a project on time. You can say this, but add another twist to make the answer a little better. Here is an example.


Short Answers :

"To me, success means to have a goal, plan the steps to achieve the goal, implement the plan, and finally achieve the goal."

"Success means to produce high quality work before the deadline."

"Success to me is knowing that my contributions positively impacted my company."


Long Answers :

"Success to me means completing a task and when looking back, thinking I couldn't have done it better. To succeed is to complete a task or assignment on time in an excellent manner. But that's only half of it. The results should be good and the people involved should gain a valuable lesson or experience. For example, if it was a group project, and only two people out of four really did the work, I wouldn't call that success. If everyone participated and worked together providing a valuable deliverable then it's a success. So I think both the result and the process should be great to call something a success."

This answer is showing that you believe in delivering great quality work. Moreover, it is implying how much you value team work. If you value teamwork highly, then it is safe to assume that you would make a great team player.

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