If 27th December 2009 was a Thursday, then what day of the week was it on 1st March 2010?
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If 5th January 2011 was a Thursday, then what day of the week was it on 1st January 2013 ?
If the 14th September of an year is a Tuesday, then which day of the week will the 17th October of the same year be?
In the year 2016, there were 52 weeks and P days. Find the value of P
Advik's birthday is on Monday 19th June. On what day of the week will be Nishith's Birthday in the same year if Nishith was born on 17th November?
Arzoo was born on 25th January 2015, while Aastha was born 554 days later. On which date was Aastha born?
Hansh's birthday is on Monday 5th June. On what day of the week will be Tushar's Birthday in the same year if Tushar was born on 11th December?
If 5th September 2008 was a Monday, what day of the week was 9th October 2008?