Aizaz was born on 5th January 2015, while Faiz was born 553days later. On which date was Faiz born?
1st January 2018 was a Monday. Which of the following years will also start on a Monday?
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11 January 2018 is a Thursday. On which day will 11 June 2019 fall?
3rd January 2018 was a Wednesday. Which of the following years will also have 3rd January on a Wednesday?
Sita told her friend Gita " I am leaving today and will reach Mumbai tomorrow for my exams starting the day after tomorrow, which is Friday". What day is tomorrow in this conversation?
On which dates of December, 2018 will be Wednesdays?
The first of April is a Wednesday. What day of the week will it be on the first of May of the same year?
If the 14th September of an year is a Tuesday, then which day of the week will the 17th October of the same year be?
If 5th September 2008 was a Monday, what day of the week was 9th October 2008?