1. Answer : 4
Explanation : Required ratio =
2. Answer : 1
Explanation :
A to B Speed = = 84
B to C Speed = = 68.25
C to D Speed = = 86.796
D to E Speed = = 66
E to F Speed = = 84.8
F to G Speed = = 88
G to h Speed = = 88
Average speed of entire trip = =80.83
3. Answer : 3
Explanation : Total half time = 10 + 2 + 5 + 10 + 15 + 10 = 52
Total half time, if the train stops at each city for 50% more==78
Train will arrive at city H after departing from city A = 18.25 + (78 - 52 )=18.25 + 26=18.51
4. Answer : 2
Explanation : Average speed = =80.83=81 km/hr
5. Answer : 1
Explanation : Required percentage of time = = = 91.8 %